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Some things I agree with
(or not as the case may be)

EFF: No Broadcast Flag No Watermarks

Wednesday, September 10
The RIAA sees the face of evil...

... and it's a 12-year-old girl.

The RIAA has nailed one of the most prolific file-traders in the U.S., filing a lawsuit against 12-year-old Brianna LaHara.

"Nobody likes playing the heavy and having to resort to litigation," RIAA president Cary Sherman said in a statement. "But when your product is being regularly stolen, there comes a time when you have to take appropriate action."

Yeah, go get em cowboy! Hit 'em HARD!

Flamin' hell. I mean, come on, sing along: How low can you go. How low can you go! And NOW, her mum's agreed to pay two grand to get the RIAA off their backs - even though they're in state-funded accomodation for mid- and low-income families.

These RIAA folk are a bit like unscrupulous bastards, aren't they. If anything, I'm stepping up my filesharing now. UK ROX!!!!11!!!!1!! LEET HAXORZ!!!11!1!!

Dragged out of Christopher's memory and pasted
into his blog at 9/10/2003 11:53:00 AM. Roughly.
Blog ID: 106319121719640201·
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