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Saturday, November 22
Estimating the Airspeed Velocity of an Unladen Swallow, And Other Miscellaneous Activities

Yes, I know it's been a while since I did this brainsmudge. But rest assured, this one'll be a good un.

You know the old adage, right....

"What's the average airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?"
"What, an African or an European swallow?"

... Yes? good.

Well, some clever dicky bird's (ahaha) gone and worked it out, haven't they - and they've only gone and done it with "Strouhal numbers and simplified flight waveforms" - positively primative! I say. Wot wot.

And there was much rejoicing.

Anyhoo, for your delectation only, here's how to estimate the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow.

Perhaps Python had something in counting 3. (You'll understand when you read it).

Well now, I thought I was a fast typist (120wpm sound fast enough for you?), but this woman just goes and gets 170wpm and a top speed of 212 words per minute.

That's insane.

Her name's Barbara Blackburn, and I have to admit, I doff my cap to her. That's pretty damn fast.

Alteeeerrrrrrnativellllyyy, why don't you enter The Meatrix? Or have a look at Mr. T vs. The Matrix? Hell, why don't you go lookin at Mr. T kickin the crap outta tons of things (believe me, there's a lot of things... Like, 259? random). And,

"NOTE: Since T is helluva tough, he ALWAYS wins."


(Or you can go here, different site, a little more outta date, but it's all good, sucka.)

I think this is unfair. Do you know why? No, of course you don't, as I haven't told you what I'm talking about. Anyways... Yeah.

O, you want to know what I'm on about? Read this:
Man gets "spam rage" over penis ad (Yahoo! News, so it'll probably disappear in a month - so here's the text)

i think they should introduce that anti-spam law early, and nail the suckas. With Mr. T's help.

Ah, hell, while I'm at it: some random links. b3ta - the Victorian Web (most outrageous in the area of amusement, one tells one)

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand yet another Google innovation. The Google Deskbar. It's just like what you get already in a) LiteStep b) all versions of Linux c) the desktops of inventive users of Windows' HTML features for the desktop, but in its own little package: click here to get the fool. Or click here for yonder Google Deskbar FAQ.

While we're on the subject of Google, look! Google's trendy (and Al Sharpton's a lesbian! hahahaha). How rare :D ... And I know how much everybody reads this thing, so while you're all interested in my blog, why don't you just read about how long people stay on these damn things already (it's something like 93 seconds... My 2 readers are done in half that time). :P

In summation... Well, what can I say. Not much really, other than for all you geeks out there: here's an article on information consolidation and web service useability across different platforms via the upcoming WinFS schema integration plans - all on Ray Ozzie's Weblog. Clever man.

I'm with the author on this one.

Did you know Blogger's trendy, too? Nah, bet you didn't - but you do now! Huzzah, and there was much rejoicing.

Scuse me, I'm just off to do some Amazon Hacking. Cheers :D

Oh, and to any Aussies who are reading this: NER NER NER-NER NER. Yaa boo sucks... We're going to take Aussieland over like nobody's business, we started you off there anyway, we can take it back as our own country any day we like. We've already made a start with "your" famous landmarks (not that you ever made them famous anyway, only English singers are the ones that are ever good there).

Now that wasn't a random post at all, was it.

Dragged out of Christopher's memory and pasted
into his blog at 11/22/2003 04:06:00 PM. Roughly.
Blog ID: 106951718580508025·
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