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Sunday, July 19
Finally, my very first web site gets a lick of paint

ChrisWoods.co.uk was my very first domain name. I've had it for years (literally, since 1999) but I've only recently revamped it and updated it from its previous incarnation. I think it was 2003 or 2004 when I last changed the site, and it was beginning to really show its age.

So, now my personal site has a spangly new WordPress install, a short bio about the site, domain name and myself along with some links to my other main blogs and sites. Soon it'll have a summary CV on there too and various other appropriate nick-nacks and hopefully it'll get spidered fairly well by all the search engines - I've been thinking that I could do with one focal point on the web from which I can link out to all of my other bits and bobs and now that's one step closer to completion.

...It never ceases to amaze me as to what can be accomplished through sheer force of procrastination on a Sunday afternoon!

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Dragged out of Christopher's memory and pasted
into his blog at 7/19/2009 08:11:00 PM. Roughly.
Blog ID: 3283240334489118365·
| Permalink

Wednesday, January 23
Another blogging platform gets $30million... Share the wealth?

WordPress just announced they're getting $29.5 million for their B round of funding.

And they said the bubble had burst. Nice! There's still hope for my search for $65m in VC funding for my interactive wacky wailing inflatable arm-flailing tubemen social networking site.

I know that $30m only equates to about £4.69 in pounds sterling, but it's still an incredible amount for what's nothing more than a (very popular, and quite, quite clever) blogging platform. As Matt (one of the founders of WordPress) says on his blog,

Fast forward to 2007: many of the seeds planted started to really bloom. On WordPress.com 1.8 million new users joined, they created 25 million posts, we served 3.2 billion dynamic pageviews, and grew to reach over 100 million unique users worldwide. Akismet blocked billions of spams from reaching blogs. Nearly every major media organization, from the NY Times, WSJ, CNN, Fox, Time, People, and more, have embraced WordPress. Finally the approach of serious acquisition or majority-stake investments brought up the biggest question we’d faced so far: should we sell, or build out Automattic to be an independent company for many years to come.

That decision actually wasn’t hard. I couldn’t stop thinking about the opportunities and it became clear that the road ahead was much longer than the road behind us.

That brings us to today. The New York Times, the flagship of media, is joining our existing investors Polaris, True, and Radar in expanding their minority stake in the company. Automattic is now positioned to execute on our vision of a better web not just in blogging, but expanding our investment in anti-spam, identity, wikis, forums, and more — small, open source pieces, loosely joined with the same approach and philosophy that has brought us this far.

So the NYT is officially getting in on the act now... Free beers all round! Oh, and if you have a WP.com account, you've now got 3 gigabytes of space to play with. Have fun go mad!

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Dragged out of Christopher's memory and pasted
into his blog at 1/23/2008 05:43:00 PM. Roughly.
Blog ID: 7319729944797960839·
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Sunday, September 16
Finding the impetus to blog

Some people seem to be incredibly spontaneous about their blogging, doing so several times a day religiously all week long, week in week out.

I'm having trouble even keeping up a several-posts-a-month regime, and it's really annoying me - because I enjoy blogging (why else would I do it?) but something in me is just waiting for a *really* good reason to start doing it more often.

Maybe it's because I've run out of things to say........

.....nah, that can't be it. ;) I think I'm just too lazy!

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Dragged out of Christopher's memory and pasted
into his blog at 9/16/2007 04:14:00 AM. Roughly.
Blog ID: 8760108395886274212·
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